The humanity surrounded by a cage called walls, a 50m wall surrounded them, and protected them from the outer world. But, their imagination drives them crazy, and leads them to a new technology to fly over the wall, called 3dmg. A horror reminder of humanity happened in front of Wall, Maria, one of the walls that surrounded them. A colossal titan appeared! Will humanity do something? Welcome to the world!
The Shiganshina District is a town located on the south edge of Wall Maria. The district is built within an outcrop of Wall Maria.
Wall Rose
The Trost District is a town located on the south edge of Wall Rose. Because Trost is the town closest to the breach in Wall Maria, it is the town that most frequently comes under attack from Titans.
The Karanese District is a town located on the east edge of Wall Rose.
Utopia District - The Utopia District is the northernmost district of Wall Rose. Little is known about it.
Klorva District - The Klorva District is a town located on the west edge of Wall Rose.
The Stohess District is the town located on the east edge of Wall Sina.
The Hermiha District is a town located on the south edge of Wall Sina.
Mitras - The Capital, Mitras is the area of land surrounded by Wall Sina, the innermost of the three Walls. It is the residence of the King and upper-class citizenry, and serves as the capital of the kingdom. The Military Police Brigade are headquartered in the Inner District and protect the peace; this leads to fierce competition among military trainees to join, as it is the only posting where they will not be in danger from Titans.
The Yalkell District - The Yalkeel District is a town located on the west edge of Wall Sina.